You are welcome to ship your item for servicing upon receipt of a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) email us at:
- Email Subject starts with: RMA Request
- Full name
- Return shipping address
- Email address
- Phone number
- Unit Model Number
- Unit Serial Number
- Date and place of purchase if requesting warranty service
- Detailed description of your issue.
- Please include the brand name and model of any connected gear.
- Forum post URL (if it exists)
We’ll issue you a RMA and return shipping instructions.
Team Fryette
Packing and Shipping
Please read these important guidelines
Do not ship power cords, footswitches, or other items unless the service issue relates to them.
Do insure for full replacement cost in case the product is damaged or lost in transport. Fryette is not responsible for shipping damage due to inadequate packing. Fryette will only file a shipping damage claim for units arriving in the original factory carton and packing material or packed according to the shipper’s recommended packing guidelines.
Note: Due to packaging guidelines imposed by various shippers, Fryette cannot file a damage claim on an inadequately packed unit that arrives damaged. If you are not sure, have it packed by a local shipping outlet.
Note: Product returned to the factory must be shipped prepaid. We will not accept COD shipments. In the event that the repair is a bona fide warranty repair, Fryette may, at its sole discretion, elect to return the repaired item free of charge and UPS Ground freight prepaid. Cost for express or overnight service is the responsibility of the purchaser. This includes warranty service.
Note If you have a repair here awaiting completion, please rest assured we will complete it as soon as possible. We are dealing with parts shortages that may be affecting your repair. When we have a reliable update, we will let you know ASAP. Thank you for your patience.
Site Bug
Once you submit your request email, it is likely that you will get an email like the following. Just ignore it; this is a bug in the forum software that will be fixed—eventually. Your original email has arrived, and Team Fryette is working on it.