Fan not working

Hi guys, I just noticed that the fan of my PLIR seems to be dead. Everything seems fine it’s like it doesn’t see any message to start spinning and the PLIR became to hot… any ideas? The fan is just dead and I need to replace it? Obviously I will take to a tech, just wondering if maybe you know what have caused it

Hi Riccardo and welcome to the community!

First thing, take care not to overheat your PLIR; it basically rated somewhere around 50W now or less.

Here are some options:

Or we can send out a replacement fan for you to install if you think you can do that independently. How can I make a replacement part request?



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Hi Ricardo,

Are you aware that the fan only spins when you are playing your amp?

The fan will start spinning when the output power from your amp reaches around 30 to 40W. If you are playing at a lower volumes, you are usually low enough in the power range where the load can handle the amps power without help from the fan.

If the fan doesn’t run at any power level either the fan is bad, the fan connector is not fully engaged or the fans voltage supply is suspect.

Fan problems are very unusual in the PL-IR unless the unit gets physically dropped, so it’s probably something simple.


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Yes I know that the fan works only at a certain power, but I was playing my artisan 100 (not full volume, something like 7/10) when the plir gets overheated and went to protection (of course I suddenly turned off the amp and left the plir cooling down))

The unit itself was never dropped so i really don’t know what happened. I’m gonna take it to a tech and keep you posted!

Thank you very much.
What do you mean with the PLIR is rated 50W, the manual says 200W…

Hi Riccardo,

It’s rated at 200W when then fan is working.
Ok, keep us posted we are here for anything.



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Ah ok, I understand, thank you very much!! I will

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Just FYI, “7\10” is effectively all the way up. The amp doesn’t produce any more clean output power past 6 or 7 but can generate a lot more heat.

Anyway, there’s a possibility that the fan is not bad. It may just be the circuit that drives the fan.

Let us know if you need any other advice.


Exactly seem something like that, keep you posted. Thank you!!

Hello Dave!! I have some news.
The fan is working so the problem is a component in the circuit that make the fan work.
The problem is that my tech can’t fix it ‘cause he doesn’t have the schematic… do you know if I can find it somewhere?

I’m from Italy so would like to not have to ship to United States…