ZMACS, PS-100, confirm impedance matching function


I just received my new ZMACS and was looking to confirm function of the impedance matching function on the ZMACS with the PS-100 in the loop.
Current set up:

  • AMP 1 (16ohm)
  • AMP 2 (16 ohm)
  • AMP 3 (4 ohm)
  • AMP 4 (8 ohm)
  • PS-100 (set speaker and amp to 8 ohm)
  • CAB 1 (16 ohm)
  • CAB 4 (8 ohm)

When turning on AMP 1 with CAB 1, both show 16 ohm, passes sound
When turning on AMP 1 with CAB 4, both show 16 ohm, passes sound. When I turn CAB 4 to the 8ohm setting, I do not pass signal through to the speaker, even though it is an 8 ohm cab. This works the same with all amps, where signal passes with matching impedance displayed, but will not pass signal if impedance not matching.

Example: To pass signal it looks like my AMP 3 and CAB 1 are both at 4 ohm, though the CAB 1 is 16 ohm. If I switch to CAB 4, it will only pass signal when set to matching 4 ohm (on 8 ohm cab).

May I confirm that this is intentional/functioning as designed? I was not sure that I am getting the impedance matching function protection.

Thank you,

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Hi David,

We have been PM-ing, but Iā€™m going to reply here so people in the shop can see. You need to arrange a repair via email using, this appears to be an issue that is not user fixable. They will need the unit to investigate.

