ZMACS #1 is installed and working really well. The Bypass Override Mode makes a real difference for long cable lengths to the cabs. The unit has no power switch and I noticed that while the impedance settings are stored, if I unplug the unit to turn it off and plug it back in, the Bypass Override Mode setting is not stored in memory and has to be reset after each power up for each cab. Based on this, do you recommend keeping the unit powered on 7x24 or am I missing something in terms of being able to retain Bypass Override Mode after power down and power up? Great unit and look forward to daisy chaining #2 when it lands.
get any answer to your question? curious about how i should handle power on/off as well. ive been unplugging but eventually will have everything connected to power strip/surge protector and turn it off with that.
No response and everything seems to fall apart after shutting down and restarting the unit. For example, if I have Amp 4 set for 8 ohms and Cab 2 set for 16 ohms and restart the unit, the Cab 2 setting is reset back to 8 ohms and I have to reset it to 16 ohms each time I use the unit since I do not keep it on 7x24. Also, the bypass override mode is lost while the unit is up and running if I switch cabs using the same amp. If I have Amp 4 set for bypass override for Cab 1 and then switch to Cab 2 and back to Cab 1 the bypass override mode is lost. I’ve re-read the manual several times and I do not believe I’m missing anything in terms of how to store an amp and cab setting so that it stays the same after reboot. Or, so the bypass override remains the same. The store button seems to be specific for MIDI only. Open to ideas and to be educated if I’m missing how to force a preset to stay set in place after a reboot.
Hello Fryette team. You folks out there? Is there a better way to get answers? Big issue having to reset impedance settings on a reboot. Thank you. Hopefully a new firmware release is forthcoming.
Sorry we missed this—I’ll try and get an answer to you in the next day or two. I need someone with experience with the unit and how the firmware works.
Behind this decision were some safety concerns to avoid interference with the switching logic of regular operation and to prevent accidental impedance mismatching. This could potentially be addressed in a future firmware update.
Thanks team. I can understand this for bypass over ride but the product should 100% retain the impedance selections after the system is shutdown and powered up again. Amps and cabs are not normally shuffling around in between reboots and it would be easier to continue to use my Weber Z-Matcher’s to handle the impedance mismatches, where everything just works when everything is turned on (amp, ZMACS, PS). Right now I have to check and reset some impedance settings anytime I start things up. Again, if there is a way to store the impedance settings so they are retained, I’m 100% open to education. I love your products and have PS’s, ZMACS, and an Aether but this is causing a lot of extra work (and the onus is on me to remember to recheck the impedance settings on the ZMACS each time I turn everything on). Thanks again!
Hey Julian. Unfortunately, from what the manual states, the Store function only works with MIDI, but not to store an amp/cab impedance setting separate from that. I’m not using MIDI and am hoping to simply storage the amp and cab impedance settings permanently (until I would elect to change them). Mike
Ah, now I understand better what you’re trying to achieve! Yes, the impedance settings of unselected amps / cabs are indeed not stored in presets. If they were, you could write the device’s state to the default preset 0 (even if you’re not using any MIDI controller). I will make sure that we discuss this promptly.
Hello Julian. I was wondering if there is a solution planned near term to the issue of cab impedances not being retained each time the system is turned off and on. And also the bypass override mode most recent setting being retained. Every day when I turn the unit back on I have to reset the impedance settings and bypass override mode for 4 cabs. Firmware updates possible? Near term?