ZMACS Midi Control

Is it in omni mode, can the receive channel be controlled…is there a midi implementation chart somewhere? thanks


Yes, the device operates in omni mode and reacts to program change commands only.

Best regards,

Does it have to be in omni mode? Can this be changed? I’ve got a bunch of other devices with midi, and I don’t want the ZMACS getting confused and making a change when I mean to be sending a command to another device

I am using a MIDI rig also and interested.

Is it possible to use MIDI to store all the Amp/Cab combinations you have set up into a MIDI controller? And then control which Amp/Cab combination is selected using the MIDI Controller? I’m confused as to how the Zmacs ‘Store’ function sends an Amp/Cab setting to a MIDI Controller for storage there. And as asked by others is there a document that shows all the PC commands that can be sent to the Zmacs? I gather from one of your previous posts that the Zmacs can only be sent PC commands and not CC?

The amp and cab settings are stored in the ZMACS, not the MIDI controller. They can be recalled using MIDI program change commands. As the device operates in omni mode, you get one bank (= 128) of presets. No CC commands or anything else are currently implemented because this would cause various conflicts with the internal switching logic.

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I have an RJM Mastermind GT which allows me to control all sorts of MIDI devices in my rig. I can set up a preset that changes channels on my amp, turns on a chorus, turn off my delay pedal and boost the output on my Mesa Recto Recording amp. All at the same time. Having multiple devices respond on the same MIDI channel could be problematic in that scenario. So I understand why @jsalino asked the question.

A simple solution is to place a MIDI filter between the ZMACS and your MIDI controller. Use the filter to block the MIDI channels you don’t want the ZMACS to respond to. So for example, if you want the ZMACS to respond to MIDI channel 8, set the filter to block MIDI channels 1 to 7 and 9 to 16.