So I sent the device to a tech because I am to frustrated to go through a 2 month exchange process again.
He found that the playe voltage was set to around 700V, this was causing the low quality 6550s Fryette is installing to go into thermal runaway, even though 6550s can handle around 800V, these apparently can’t handle the 709V they are biased for.
When reducing the gird voltage to -38V, the tubes work again and the fuse doesn’t blow.
@Gil@dan@Team_Fryette can you send me replacement tubes, the unit is less than 2 months old
Thanks for the useful info. The shop has been working 12 hour days, seven days a week for three weeks, so they might not reply fast. Just a note to say your message has been read.
I understand the team is overwhelmed and busy, and I thank you very much for the acknowledgement.
I hope you understand how frustrating of an experience it is to go through the same issue twice after purchasing a $1300 device and seeing many people going through the same thing without hearing anything back from the manufacturer who is obviously at fault here.
Hello, We sincerely apologize for all of the hassle and inconvenience you’ve experienced with your PS-100.
We do test our tubes rigorously and we are using the best new production tubes that we can obtain in quantity. That being said, there are some of these tubes that have failed in the field. Please send an email to to include your shipping address, phone number and the serial number. I understand this info may be redundant but I want to expedite the tubes and fuses to you. Thanks! Gil
I think we are on top of things now in terms of reliability. To my knowledge non of the replacement parts we have been sending out have failed. If you do encounter any issue we are here!