I’m currently running a ps100, amp head & syn 2 preamp with a cyclops. At some point I’d like to incorporate w/d/w into this set up (using my Lxii), so was wondering how best to achieve this (as the ps100 line out is already being used by the cyclops)? Could I use the xlr line out on the ps100? Would that only take the signal from the attenuated amp head? Or is it possible to go ps100 fx loop send>stereo effects >Lxii, without using the fx loop return? Any advice would be much appreciated!
Hi Worsley,
This might be a good starting point
The main issue is that wet-dry-wet requires three power amplifiers, and you only have one PS-100.
I think this is the best way to do it:
Hi Dan,
Thanks for the quick response! I also have the Lxii, so I’m ok for power amps. I suppose my main query is this: the set up I’m currently using has an amp head and preamp plugged into a cyclops and PS100 - where can I send a signal from my PS100 into the stereo effects and then into the Lxii for w/d/w? The line out from the PS100 is being used by the cyclops. Can i still use the xlr line out or fx loop send?
Sorry Dan. I just read the contents of your suggested posts more thoroughly. I see what you’re getting at now. Looks lile I’ll need a separate line oit box then!
Yes, that’s the nice thing about that approach when using the ISO Line Out: the Power Station controls the volume of the whole rig. You still need to do a one-time adjustment to make sure the level of the stereo power amp matches the dry cab, but that is it.