I am trying to use the line out on my PS-2A to send my amp signal to a patch bay. Problem is that I am getting (very quiet) sound out of my speaker when I play even with the volume turned all the way down on the PS-2A. Actually with the volume turned all the way down it is slightly louder than when I move the volume knob up an extremely tiny bit.
If I unplug my speaker from the back of my PS-2A then there is no sound out of the speaker. Unplugging the speaker isn’t something I want to be doing on a regular basis.
Is this a known bug of the PS-2A? Any solutions/suggestions?
There is a lot of magnetic energy in a small space in the Power Station. There are the two input and output transformers, a power transformer and a high value inductor. All these components can couple to each other and to the wiring and cabling. A huge amount of effort has gone into minimising this effect, but it is possible for cross-talk like this to occur.
Another possibility is your pot needs a clean because you mentioned that the coupling is dependent on its position but not quietest at its lowest setting.
I’ve tried this with several Powerstations (PS-2A & two PA-100) and I think this is no bug. There is always a quiet sound coming out of the cab when the volume of the Powerstation is all the way down.
I guess the reason for that is cross-talk as Dan described in his post.
I’m not sure if the actual cause, I was just thinking out loud. But I’ve collected this feedback and when it comes time to have a revision we can take a look!