Factory Repair for my Legacy VHT-badged Pittbull amps

First post here! I have a couple older VHT-badged Pittbulls, and one of them (a CL50) is exhibiting a number of issues. There are some great amplifier technicians up here in the bay area, however, many will not work on this amp without a schematic. Is it still possible to have this amp brought back to its glory by Fryette Service? If so, how would I initiate a repair? And, obviously shipping amps is expensive, but also somewhat difficult to pack properly. Would Fryette be able to provide an appropriate box with packing materials? Thanks!


Hello, also my first post and I have some similar issues. I have two VHT Classic combos (vintage 1995 and 1993, both C-100-CR) and one of them (the '95, bought it new) is on the fritz with a bad hum. Would love to send it in to the Mothership for some really proper service. How to do that? Can I just send the chassis? I will repost or resend this as a separate ticket, just thought I’d chime (but not like a Vox) in here

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Guess I’ll try posting somewhere else to see how to actually access support/submit a repair ticket or whatever.

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Hello @hexade @Classic2X

Welcome to the community both :tada:

Sorry your posts got looked over. The answer is yes! Right now, for repair requests you need to email support@fryette.com to ensure they can accept it as this time, give you the proper documentation, and provide a return address.

I know it’s PITA to pack a tube amp. I’m not sure what Fryette provide in terms of packing materials. Last time I boxed a tube amp, I bought two boxes, and internal box for the tube amp, and suspended that box in the second box with packing peanuts. I took out all the valves, wrapped in bubble wrap, put then in a box I had hanging around and put them inside somewhere safe.

Any boxes the correct size will do, so just measure and order. To takes a hour to do once you have all the material, but is not hard.

It’s a good suggestion though! We should add “return kit” to the store! Noted.


8 posts were split to a new topic: I had my amp dropped off. I was trying to confirm you received it: RMA #13169