Can't get midi to work + phantom power question

Unfortunately I can’t get my ZMACS to respond to PC commands from my MIDI controller. I also don’t really understand how the phantom power should work - I’m connected via a 5-pin MIDI cable to my controller and yet my controller needs its external PSU to work. Tried with different midi cables, nothing on either issue.
What is going on, what am I doing wrong?

The ZMACS receives midi commands in omni mode so it should receive any commands you send to it.

You may need a 7pin cable in order for your midi controller to operate from the ZMACS phantom power.

Hope that helps.


Hi Dave,
Thank you. I’ve tried everything and still can’t make it work. I don’t understand the issue. I’ve also contacted the manufacturer of the controller and they also don’t understand the issue. The controller is sending out PC messages by default which is what the ZMACS requires. I’m at a loss here.

Hi @TheCRS

It could be a signal integrity issue, have you tried using a different and shorter cable? Can you please list the connections and hardware you are using in detail. It might help.



Hi Dan,
Yes, I’ve tried a different and shorter cable.
The connection is very simple, only midi controller to ZMACS.


Just wanted to eliminate that possibility as I was not mentioned.

Can you please post information about the controller including any data sheet or user manual? If the cable is good and the electrical connections are good we need to verify exactly what the controller expects on each pin.



Thank you guys for your kind help. It seems as though both of my midi cables were bad - I bought a Roland Black Series one and everything works as expected - both phantom power and midi messaging. Hooray :slight_smile:

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