Welcome to Fryette Support! 👋

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Fryette Support

A community support forum for Fryette Amplification

Here are some things you can do to get started:

:speaking_head: Introduce yourself by adding your picture and information about yourself and your interests to your profile. What is one thing you’d like to be asked about?

:open_book: Get to know the community by browsing discussions that are already happening here. When you find a post interesting, informative, or entertaining, use the :heart: to show your appreciation or support!

:handshake: Contribute by commenting, sharing your own perspective, asking questions, or offering feedback in the discussion. Before replying or starting new topics, please review the Community Guidelines.

If you need help or have a suggestion, feel free to ask in Site Feedback or contact the admins.

Howdy Folks.
Just testing things out here, looking forward to chats and what not.
(Lu Woods is my handle on YT)


Hi Kris/Lu,


All the EU Malcontent fans are waking up and discovering the forum :slight_smile:

I think it will be a fun and knowledgeable community, if it turns out to be anything like the YouTube folks.

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Indeed!! Good to be here with ya all. :grinning:

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Hello Everyone.

I am stephen sawall. Some know me as Don Genaro. Others know me as Steve. Just some individual with a passion for music.

My experience with Fryette started about 1990. Fryette has made things that allow me to express creativity. Its a lot cheaper than therapy.


howdy all! looking forward to some good discussions on here. I’ve about 14 years of experience twiddling the knobs on my deliverance and 50/cl and now y’all are gonna hear about it! I also got a PLIR not too long ago and while I don’t record with it, it has greatly shaped the way I approach dialing in amps as far as the interaction of the master volume with the rest of the controls. I did used to post a little bit on the old vht-users/fryette-users forum back in the day. this looks like a step up. major props to the team for getting this off the ground.


Welcome @choalla and @stephensawall !

I got a PS-2A recently and I have started to enjoy my amps again. Well I only have two, and actually I don’t own a Fryette amplifier. But we are really space limited at the moment so I think I’ll get the new GPDI/IR when it comes out maybe with the little speaker cab too.

Someone asked a great question on the Mals about whether it’s possible to upload audio files…

it is now!

I’m always curious when Steve talks about the Fryette vowel sound but I’ve not heard A/B comparison - I think there was a Mals where he did that but… lost in time.

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What’s up everyone?
Proud Sig:X owner here and fan of all things OG VHT and Fryette. :+1:t2: :metal:t2:


A post was split to a new topic: The Fryette vowel sound

Dan thanks again for everything … you guys rock ! It must be great to work there .I wish I lived out there just to hang out and sweep up or something around the shop lol . Really it seems like a great place be and great people to work with !! Im so jealous :laughing:

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Send resumé to Steve :grinning: - I’m based in UK actually. I would also be happy sweeping the floor.

Uk ! That’s cool too . Still jealous lol I live worked and retired in Detroit suburb so uk sounds great Dan :+1:

I worked in Detroit for a few weeks in 2016 and 2018 around Dearborn and Troy. Had a great time. Bought a guitar!

Wow you lived here too ! Small world . What guitar did you buy ?

Well only for a few weeks - just some contract work.

It was a Martin 000-15M

(sadly recorded with my phone)

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That sounds great ! I never tried to record on my phone that sounds incredibly clean . Nice guitar!

I have posted a couple times but no responses, please help me.