Vht 2/50/2 front panel and fuse blows

Hello everyone,

I have a somewhat tired vht 2/50/2, semi-retired.
But I would like to give it a new lease of life.
First of all, the front panel has become unreadable (see photo)
And is it possible to order a replacement fryette panel?
(I preferred the fryette display to vht, given what it has unfortunately become…)

The device works well in class A/B, without strange noise or other anomaly, but when I switch the switch to class A, the 500ma fuse on the front blows.
Any idea what the problem is?
Inadequate bias, defective tube?
As I generally stay on class AB, the problem is not very urgent to fix or annoying, but still it is not a good sign for the life of the device.

Hi Pascal, I believe we can sell you a replacement Fryette front panel. Please send an email to support@fryette.com and include your request, shipping address, and phone number. Then we’ll create an invoice for you. If the fuse is blowing when switching the amp to class A mode, it’s quite possible that the power tubes are faulty because when in class A mode, they are under additional strain which could be exposing a fault in one or both of the power tubes. Cheers! Gil