Speaker cable length for 2 cab rig

Greetings Earthlings. I’m planning to buy an Aether cab when the store is updated. My question is how much difference does speaker cable length make. Presently using with PS2-a and room geometry makes it difficult to have both cabs side by side. I have equal length monitor cables in my control rooms and for my home stereo. A little help, please? Thanks in advance

I’d imagine a 16 awg would be fine up to even around 20 feet or more. if you’re concerned you can use 12 awg which would be less than half the resistance of 16 awg.

Not much difference. Just think of PA cable runs.

The cabs will only be 6’-8’ apart with another amp and the Power Station in between. I was more curious about phase issues. Suppose if I mic cabs with a ribbon it becomes as moot as moot becomes. Thanks for the help.
pj out

Been there, done that.
Thanks for the perspective and reminding me of days running cable!
pj out

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At that short length, 18ga will be fine.
If you’re super sensitive about sound quality, you could go to 16.

For super OCD, 14ga.

Usually 14ga cables have very heavy connectors which put extra strain the jacks, so avoid those unless you really hear a difference or you just can’t help yourself :slight_smile:


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