Replacing 6L6s in PS-2, new ones are smaller though?

I ordered replacement 6L6s from Tube Doctor, but noticed when I went to switch them out the new 6L6s were smaller and had a slightly different part number. The pins are the same and slot in fine, but I’m not going to power it up until I know they are ok. I’m attaching photo for reference. Any issue with the new ones based on what you see? Part #s for each:

Your 6L6: 6L6GCMSTR
New 6L6: 6L6WGC-STR

Hi @12footchain

These are fine to use.

I took a look at the datasheets for both the 6L6GCM and the 6L6WGC they are identical in performance parameters. The only thing that changed is the small glass bottle and slightly higher capacitances between the electrodes that are completely inconsequential for audio use.




thanks Dan, much appreciated