PS2 burned - need some values

New to the forum. One of my PS2’s (EU version) stopped working suddenly. Sound was very thin and low volume. It also smelled like something sythetic had melted. Volume didn’t respond anymore.

When having a look inside, my tech sent me these pictures. Three resistors look burned. One is for sure (R301), the other two (R214 & R215) are also suspect to be failing.

First picture (the white paper) are the values he measured on R215, R214 and R301 [can’t post pictures as a new user]. The pattern can’t be seen clearly anymore due to the heat they have endured.

Does anyone have the values of what they need to be replaced with? I suspect R214 and R215 should be the same value, but they aren’t anymore.

I asked the local distributor for info, but it’s out of warranty and they don’t have schematics. As they’re quite far away, I took it to my amp tech. But he’s not familiar with these devices.

I sure hope someone here knows how to deal with this and can enlighten us.

Hey welcome to the community :tada:

I have just bumped your user level, you can upload the images now. @DavidPhelge needs to comment because this requires engineering information.

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Thx Dan. I’ll upload one additional picture here for you. So you know who I am. :wink:

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LOL… the cat is impedance matched

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I took these pictures from my other PS2. Does anyone know the expected Ohm values? The ones on the white paper are the ones we measured on the failing PS2.

Hi @oedip0es

That first one blue-gray-red-gold is 6.8k (5%) resistor, you will have to gauge the power rating by the size.

Use this calculator to work out the others, Resistor Calculator



41 Ohm? Does that seem right? Is there no data in the factory you can share?

Sure I can measure them for you on Monday! My PS-2A is my office/lab/bat cave.

Hi Dan, best wishes for the new year for you and the whole team!
Have you perhaps had the opportunity to measure those values?

Oh I am sorry! Yes - I will do that for you on Monday. I added a calendar alarm!

  • R214 R215 — 480 Ohm
  • Can you confirm the resistor number for this one?

Mine seems to look a little different.


Strange that there is only one on both my units, but you have two? :thinking:

The two others that were burnt were R214 and R215.