how do I purchase power tubes thru FRYETTE ???
@rodofwar999 You cannot at the moment. Watch this space as the online store returns.
We had communicated earlier this week in regards to purchasing a quartet of 6550 tubes. I have sent you my address for shipment when ready. Did you receive it? I understand some emails may get lost in the shuffle. Please let me know of any updates. Thank you.
Hi Bret,
Did you send an email to support regarding this?
I think the person you might have spoken to is away on holiday. I’m not in the loop, so I can’t say exactly. I was told that nothing is shipping for a few more weeks because they are so busy fulfilling orders. It seems they did something special for you.
I spoke to Dave Phelge. Sent him a snapshot of the top of the PS100 and address. This was on October 7th. I can send you the correspondence if you would like. Maybe he is the one on holiday and took my request as a preorder for when he gets back? I do not know. There has been no reply since. I apologize for any confusion. Thank you.