PS100 Blowing Fuses

I have a PS100 that keeps blowing the small fuse inside the unit. I have replaced the fuse 3 times and replaced the small preamp tube. the unit will work for about 10 minutes and then the power tube will light really bright and the through put will not work. it doesnt loose power just non functional when the operate button is used.
Can you help further troubleshoot this issue or do you think the unit needs to be sent back for service. I’m wondering if a Power amp tube can cause this. Both Tubes are Glowing when the unit is powered on?
I’m using the unit with a Marshall JMP 100 Superlead at low volumes and a line 6 Helix.
Guitar into the Helix. 1/4 output to Input on amp. Speaker out of Amp into Fryette AMP in and Speaker out of Fryette to a 1x12 EVH cabinet
it blowed the small fuse a awhile back and was replaced and worked for couple months and now this issue??

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Hi James,

Are the power tubes glowing red when you say they light really bright? The blowing fuses and any extra glow from means the power tubes are almost certainly the problem. Try replacing the tubes and then if that does not work it will need a service to track down the issue.



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Hi James,

Glad you got to the bottom of the problem.

If it’s a PS-100 I’d expect you want a matched pair of 6550 or KT88. Any brand is fine, just replace and play, no need to re-bias.



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OK. Will do. I’ll let you know if it corrects the issue.I think it’s still under warranty also if i need to ship it back.
X fingers…


Can you tell me a list of compatible power Amp tubes that can be used in the PS100

Thank you

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Hi @James

We’ currently use Psvane and JJ 6550 in the factory.



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Any issues with using a 5881?


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Yes, you need 6550 or KT88 with the PS-100. 5881 are not compatible!

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I just received the new KT88EH tubes and Installed them in the unit.
THe KT88 tubes are longer than the Fryette 6550 factory tubes and the metal cover is hitting the back of the tubes by 1/8 of an inch, and cover will not slide back on.
These particular tubes are made by Electro- Harmonix.
Do I need to send these back and get a smaller KT88??. Or all KT88 tubes longer than the 6550’s Or just order another set of 6550 matched tubes and go that route.
I’ve had major issues ordering tubes and them never arriving.
This is the 3rd set I’ve ordered.
Although they don’t fit properly at least they arrived.
Can you tell me the part number for the 2 Amp fuse. It’s blowed also and needs to be replaced as well.
The spring hold downs are what’s hitting the chassis…
Pictured attached.


Hi James,

Sorry to hear that they don’t fit!

Maybe you can try there brands,

Did the fuse blow with the new tubes in? This indicated that here is a bigger problem with the unit. I’d recommend you send it in for a service if so?

See here for fuse information:

The height of tubes can vary depending on the factory that produced them. It is not always obvious when purchasing from re-sellers like Electro-Harmonix.



No the fuse blowed on the previous set of 6550 tubes.i haven’t been able to power it back up with the popped fuse.
Can you send me the product info on that 2 Amp fuse. Part number.
There are 50 different fuse sizes like those, lol.
I ordered a set of the Psvanve 6550’s I’ll try those…


That fuse was 5x20mm. I got it figured out down at Ace Hardware… The KT88 tubes fixed the problem with the fuse blowing. So the issue was definitely a bad set of Power Amp tubes…
Thanks for help…

Hi James

I linked to the wrong FAQ above, I intended to link to the one for fuses!

Glad you got it sorted



Really appreciate all the help !