PS-2 Intermittent drop in volume

I noticed the output volume through cabinets has started having intermittent drop in volume, pretty substantially. Sounds like a 75% drop actually. Sometimes comes back other tomes no.

Ive isolated this to be the unit, not the cables, not the amp, not the connections, not the tubes (have changed those out and problem persists).

Does this sound like any known issues? Anyone recognize this?


Hi Doug,

Congratulations on doing all the testing already and isolating it to the PS-2.

How did you exclude the amp?

How long does it take for the volume to drop?

How long does it take for the volume to return (if it returns)?

@DavidPhelge can you suggest a trouble shooting route or whether the unit needs a service?



thanks for the reply Dan. I have multiple amps so I switched to another one to see if it continued and it did. Typically it happens very quickly, sometimes within a few seconds after I start playing, other times could be within a minute or so. seems totally random when it can return, sometimes it jumps back up within a second FOR a second, then drops down again, then suddenly pops back may 20sec to a min later. and sometimes it stays for a while, other times it quickly goes back again. The only thing I havent tested yet are my positions on the brite and warm mini toggle switches to see if those are influencing it. I just now turned it on, and had the mini toggles both down to flat and flat, when i popped them up to the middle setting it seemed to return to normal volume and stay there. switching back to flat and flat didn’t appear to put it back in low volume again, but i’ll spend more time with it later today testing some more and will report back.

Thanks so much for the useful report.

To me this sounds like an issue in the power amp section of the power station.

  1. Do you have a spare 12AX7 that you can swap in? This is the phase inverter.
  2. Do you have a spare matched pair of 6L6 tubes? Swap them if so.

If these steps do not fix the issue then it think it’s time for a service.

Hi Dan - yes I’ve swapped both out and apparently the issue persists, so I guess it is a service situation. How does that work?

At the moment it’s an email to

You probably won’t get a reply for a few days to a week, because people are on holiday.

When you email can you tell me if you get any auto replies send to your email address?

