PS 100 Question

Hello, I have a PS100. I would like to use it as an amp instead of my heavy tube amps. Can you recommend a preamp that would pair well with the PS 100, either pedal or on top of a cab? I play mostly heavy music. any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

Al Ajello

I would look at Synergy.

Steven Fryette helped design this stuff and did a few of the modules.

i confirm, the synergy system is really nice and modular as desired, the sounds are really very good, ok there are nuances compared to the amps they imitate, but the grain and the general spirit is very well transcribed.
moreover we play on real tube material, so the feeling, and the feedback of the amp is felt in the fingers and ears.

i have a SYN2 with the syn50/50 as a power amp, I use it with my band (metal), in the home studio, in rehearsal and on stage.
with the band I use the VH4 module for rhythm (excellent and very grainy like the original head that I was able to test in the studio) and the SLO module for the leads (i also have a slo30 head, and in comparison it’s not far at all).
I also have the DRect (rectifier) ​​module which is quite incredible, it really rocks in the low frequencies.
the IICP (mark2) which is a real success to my ears (it’s Steven who worked on it I think)
and others…

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