PS-100 gives a "pop" after few minutes and after which volume is significantly dampened

Can someone tell me what might be wrong with my PS-100?

The amp sounds perfect until 3:20, after which the amp gives a “pop” and volume is significantly lowered / dampened. I need to have it turned off for a while to get it to sound right again, only to have the same thing happen again after few minutes.

I have connected guitar with instument cable to Line In on the amp. The amp is connected to cabinet using a speaker cable going from Sprk Out on the amp to IN on the Mesa cabinet.

Also, the Bypass starts to give a “pop” when I switch to Bypass mode as you can hear around 4:20 in the video. It does not do that normally either.

What can I do to fix it?

Hi Jekil, welcome to the community :tada:

What’s the history of this unit? My first guess would be suspecting the tubes are starting to fail.



Hi Dan,

I bought the unit on June 26th this year, so it is less than ½ year old.
I have played 5 hours a week or so, since then. So not a lot of playtime.

Is the best bet to change the tubes based on what you hear in my video?
Should I replace all 3 tubes, or just the power tubes?


Hi Jekill,

Unfortunately, Fryette has a 90-day warranty on tubes. Given that the unit has two power tubes and they tend to fail more often, yes, I would start with those.

See here for tube recommendations, What 6550s do you recommend?



I have a PS100 that does the same thing. It pops once after about 30 seconds (with a drop in volume) and then after about a minute it pops one more time (another drop in volume). It does this same thing each time I power it on. I’ve noticed that after the second pop the tube emits more blue light (as in the moment the pop occurs the glow of the tube increases). Also as of today the entire unit gets very hot (the fan still works), abnormally so and that awesome tube smell is 10x stronger (I shut it off after this). Could this be the tubes crapping out as well?

I should mention that I had to get my PS100 serviced right out of the box, for an intermittent “tzzt!” sound, turned out to be a grounding issue. Not sure if that’s related. It honestly just seems like the tubes need replacing but I just want to be sure.

Hi Dan,

I have now changed the tubes and have played for 2 hours now without any issues :). Very happy.

Thanks for your help.

Hi @MWill and welcome to the community :tada:

Sorry I missed your original post on this thread until now. It is always easier for us to make a new post, so we definatley see it.

Yes, this does indeed sound like the same issue. Get some new Power Tubes.



Could you reply with more details about this? Did you send it back to Fryette or somewhere else?

Hey @jekil

Delighted to hear that! You are welcome :slight_smile:

The shop I had purchased the PS-100 through has a local repair shop do repairs that are under warranty. That original issue appears to be resolved. I’ll get some new power tubes and report back!

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New power tubes appear to have done the trick!