I am looking at either the 2/50/2 or the 2/90/2 to pair with my Axe Fx iii. It is mainly for home use where I will be either running one or two 412 cabs.
I am looking for the similar punch that a 100 watt head delivers through a 412.
While I do not need the higher power for super high volume levels, I do want the that experience of punch a 100 watt head delivers.
I will be placing my two 412 cabs between my PA speakers for jamming to back tracks. I do not care for the EV ELX200 PA speakers with any amp modeler so here I am looking at adding a tube power amp and throw some cabs between them. Just use the PA for the music.
If the 2/50/2 is going to be a similar experience as a 50 watt head, then I would go the 2/90/2 route.
Is there a noticeable difference in these two power amps in terms of full room punch?
Also just confirming that I can connect a 16 ohm cab to channel A and a 8 ohm cab to channel B without issue? I assume so with independent channel impedance?
I have spare sets of Mesa Boogie EL34 matched sets of tubes as well as Electro Harmonix 6CA7 matched sets of tubes. Can I run both of these in the 2/50/2 with correct bias settings? I am not sure I recall bias instructions in the manual unless I missed it. I assume there are biasing pots somewhere on the board? What is the desired settings for these power amps?
Lastly, if I only wanted to run one cab for whatever reason, do I have to keep both channels connected even though one would be on Standby? Not sure I would do this but did not see this information in the manual.
If you just want to run one channel, provided the other channel is in Standby or Off, yes that is safe. However, I never do that. I assume I will forget, turn on the second channel without a cab and something will blow. Maybe I am paranoid. But if I’m in a situation where I might turn something on it is always safe to do so.
After a few hours on the 2/90/2, I have to say it delivers with the Axe FX iii. I ran a Mesa v30 straight cab with a Bogner Uber Cab v30/T75 X pattern in stereo with the Axe and Fryette 290. I also tried the Uber cab with an EVH EL34S 412. Once I had my Axe levels going to the Fryette at a good level, it came alive for sure.
One thing that has me concerned though is when I turn the standby on, (meaning no signal should be coming through the cab) I can hear faint signal through the cab if the channel volume is not at 0 when in standby. I have never experienced this in any other amp. I believe it occurs on both channels if the volumes are not zeroed.
Would that not defeat the purpose of having the standby mode if signal is still traveling through the power tubes and output transformer. I mean if there was a case where a user did not have a cab connected to one of the outputs on the power amp but left that channel in standby (I was told this could be a valid case in this thread) and this standby leaked signal as it is in my situation, I would think there could be some consequences on the output transformer or power tubes?
While the signal is barely audible, I feel it is worth mentioning in case there is something wrong here. Please advise.
Other than the standby issue, I think this power amp is a tank and kicks some serious booty!
My first experience with it I dialed in a heavy percussive chug tone with an Engl Savage type amp block on the Axe III. Delays sounded huge when ping pong through true stereo 412s.
I will check back tomorrow on here to see if I should be calling support on the Standby issue.
I think this power amp will keep me warm in the winter. It definitely throws the heat.
Unlikely that there is anything to worry about. The power tubes are off but the preamp and phase inverter are still operating. You’re just hearing a faint amount of signal generated by the low level stages. No chance of damaging anything.
I will make sure to leave the channel volumes down when in standby to not chance anything. Just wanted to make sure a thermal event wasn’t around the corner.
Could you provide biasing instructions along with values and location of trim pots?
For future reference, I don’t see this content in the manual.
I am also looking at these to amps and the LX2 to power a kemper player and I may get one of the UAFX amp pedals. I want my signal stereo likely all the time. My cabs range from 1x12s (8 ohm) to 4/10 (8ohm) and 4x12 (16ohm). I’d like to experiment using all of them. In general with all of the killer preamp/modellers being made, it makes sense to have a great power amp. I don’t care about weight or rack rack space. I care some about money, but all three power amps seem to be within a couple hundred dollars of each other. I see that the LX2 has an additional line out on each side which could be handy. But other than that, are there any other notable unique features on any of them? I like crystal clear Andy Summers cleans, down-tuned Jason Hook / Ola Englund riff stuff, and John Mayer Trio mid gain single coil sounds. My favorite amp models/profiles are JCM 800, Two Rock Classic Reverb Sig, Deliverance 120 and 60, Pittbull 45, EVH 5150 III, and Diezel VH4, and Badlander 100. Which of the 3 power amps would you recommend?
Hello Jonas. I do not have any experience with the other power amps that you are looking at but I can tell you that I am extremely happy with my decision to go with the 2/90/2 power amp. It has great headroom and plenty of power. I utilize it with my Axe FX iii. I have 3 412 cabs. Two of them are 16 ohm and one is 8 ohm. Bogner Uber cab, EVH 5150 EL34S, and Mesa Boogie straight. I typically always run my 8 ohm Mesa and then depending on the amp model, either the Bogner or the EVH on the opposite Fryette channel. Stereo effects sound great and plenty of thump.
I typically do high gain chug when using the 2/90/2. The Axe FX amp models that I like to run are the ENGL Savage 120, EVH 5150 iii Stealth, and Peavey 6160.
I have had two KSR amplification PA50 power amps in the past that I ran my Kemper stage through and while those are great too. I am happier with the 2/90/2.
If you want good headroom and plenty of power, go with the 2/90/2. It is heavy, 3u size but for me, that makes no difference. Well worth it. It is also worth noting that it can generate some good heat. I actually see the temp in my studio rise a couple of degrees when playing for long period of time. However, the room is only 14x14. Either way not a big deal. Good luck on your journey!
Honestly, these days the power output doesn’t matter a whole lot. As long as it is clean and balanced sounding, any of them will perform similarly.
Back in the day, nobody ever used all of the power that our big power amps (Classic and 2150) were capable of, and the same is still pretty much the case today.
If you are to do a blind A/B/C test you would only hear subtle differences until you hit the headroom limit of the lowest powered model - the LXII, and you’d still think that was probably more than enough power.
Currently Steve Vai and Jerry Cantrell are touring with our power amps. Both players have LXII and Two/Ninety/Two power amps in their rigs. Both use one or the other depending on the gig or the mood, or perhaps whether one rig or another is in transit somewhere.
Some people just like knowing that there is a big beast in there waiting to be let out, while others choose based on practical considerations like size and weight. And like you say, the price difference between the three models is not that great.
The Two/Fifty/Two is probably more of the “just right” of the three, but honestly, personal bias and specific application are the biggest drivers of choice.
Thanks a lot Dave! And you to metalms. I ended up going with the lx2. The first moments with the amp I ran a Friedman pedal tube pre amp mono Into an h9 effects pedal stereo out to the lx2 right to a g12h30 Marshall 4x12 then the left into a 2 rock 4x10. OMg it’s sounding good to say the least. Ridiculously full and lush. Thanks for the info.