Power Amp Choices for Soldano X88IR

I’m just in the process of choosing a stereo valve power amp to power my recently acquired Soldano valve preamp. I am currently looking at the Fryette LXII and the Synergy SYN 5050 but I’m also open to other suggestions. I am concerned that the LXII was designed for use with modelling amps and consequently had a very flat response. However, I believe it has depth and presence controls which I assume turns it into a conventional amp. I’ve read that the Synergy cooling fan was noisy and that it can get hot. I’d like to put the Soldano in a rack with the power amp but am concerned about ventilation. The small footprint appeals to me but not if I have to leave a 1U rack space for ventilation. Any thoughts on the above would be gratefully received. Thanks, Nick

You need to have ventilation front to back. You don’t need a empty rack space for ventilation. It was tested extensively before made public.