PL -IR troubleshooting

Hello all - a friend and I spent about an hour troubleshooting my PL-IR yesterday, specifically the IR out (on page 6 of the manual, this would be #4, the balanced line out). The short version is, I am getting no signal at all from this output.

I received the PL-IR right before tracking a session and to make things easy, just used the Analog Out 1 line out (page 6, #12), and that’s going to a 3rd Gen Focusrite Scarlett, line input 3. Once the session was over I wanted to see about using the IR out in tandem, and having the IR balanced line out go into the line input 4 on the Focusrite.

We’ve tried swapping cables, we’ve isolated the line inputs to eliminate the Focusrite as the issue, we checked to make sure the IRs were actually loaded in the banks…the only thing that worked and got an IR signal was when we used a mic cable for the output, (page 6, #3), going to the instrument input 1 on the Focusrite.

Based on the description in the manual and on the back of the unit, it doesn’t appear to require a balanced TRS cable as the connection between IR out (#4) and the interface (as I don’t have a TRS cable that is long enough to test that out at the moment) - I’m just really at a loss as to what the issue is here. Thanks in advance!


The unbalanced IR Out does not require a TRS connector.

I understand from your description that you were able to produce an IR output to your interface when using an XLR cable but no sound using an unbalanced cable from the PL-IR to a Focusrite Line In? And was that a normal sounding output?



Yep! It sounded normal, was able to scroll through the various IR banks and it all sounded good. Just wasn’t able to get any signal from the unbalanced IR Out, no matter what cable or input used.

Bumping this thread, still need to speak with someone from Fryette about this, thanks.

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I believe the unbalanced should be connected to the same net as the balance (just using one polarity and ground). So nothing would mean there is something wrong with the cable or socket. Do you have a volume control for that output? Check it’s not on minimum!



Thanks for the reply! As I said in my first post, my friend and I spent a lot of time troubleshooting this and cables aren’t the issue. We tried multiple cables, if you take a look at my original post it describes what we’ve tried so far.

The only volume control that I see exists for that output is the IR level, on the front panel of the PL-IR, correct? If so, I have that level maxed.

Does the Team Fryette next to your name mean you work for Fryette? I would really love some help with this. I’ve been trying to get help on this issue for a month now and would like to use the full functionality of this unit.


Well if we take the data at face value, it sounds like a broken socket or bad solder joint on the (unbalanced) output (#4 per user manual numbering). That would a service to fix I think?

Yes, I work with Fryette. I setup the forum and do a few other things.



Let me take another shot at this.

You said “specifically the IR out (on page 6 of the manual, this would be #4, the balanced line out). The short version is, I am getting no signal at all from this output.”

IR Out #4 is the unbalanced line out. The XLR Out is the balanced out and is at mic level - a much lower output level than the line out. You said you tried an XLR cable and got signal out of it. So if you good signal out of the XLR, you should get a much hotter unbalanced out from the line out using an TS cable.

What amp are you connecting to the AMP IN?
