Hey everyone I recently bought a ps 2 and 2 90 2 power amp . I ve had them for while I got them the same day .I haven’t had much time to use either unit though I’ve had a lot things go wrong here lately . had emergency surgery and now I have a few major issues Im to taking care of with my house Everytime I get back to getting my gear up running and write and record something I have had to stop and well go to the hospital or deal with some other issues . So reading all problems with some of your units is starting worry me a little I’m hoping after the holidays to get back to what I love doing and I’m hoping not to have some of these issues . Because I won’t have the opportunity to send it back for replacement to musician’s friend. I’ll just basically have a new unit that wasn’t used except for a couple times but is been here a long time . if it has a failure so that’s concerning me .I hope most you have had good luck with your fryette gear . I love my fryette gear and waited a long time to get the stuff I did . This is probably a stupid topic since I don’t have a problem . But it seems lately I’ve been having issues with life in general . it’s strange it gets to the point that you worry about this kind of thing . I never would have before . But now after all the trouble I’ve had and when it gets back to normal here again and I can get back to doing what we all here love and I have a problem it will be a real bummer .I’ve ran my finances down with because of all bad luck and issues I’ve had lately . But that’s life right . To add to that I’m disabled so my finances suck to begin with . This is an unusual topic I guess but I thought I’d talk about it hear I thought some of you might be able to relate with the way things are these days . I don’t want this to be like a woe is me topic lol. It’s just crazy when this kind of thing happens once everything does well for awhile then it’s like damn I have new old gear lol . I d k or maybe I’m just getting too used to things going wrong the last few years . I think it’s been that way almost everyone . So I guess just try to love it up and use it up when you can ! either way I just thought some one might be able to relate. Hope everyone has a nice Xmas and new year . And I hope this will be a good year for you all .
Hey Rick,
Well I hope you can actually get around to enjoying your gear soon and if anything does go wrong I’m going to insist you are put to the front of the queue! Yes. Life does have a habit of throwing curve balls at you every now and again. But I’m glad you are putting your energy in positive things like music and recording. Do you have things to post? You can upload MP3s here.
I put on some Ram Dass when I need a bit of something under my sails, don’t know if it resonates https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o3WcRCmdYac
Thanks Dan good to hear from you again ! Thanks for everything . I hope everything is going well for you and your family. Ram Dass yes wow it sure does resonate ! Today is the First time I listened to him . What an inspiration. Thank you for that too ! Also I’ll post something as soon I can .
Yeah, do! I have some old ADAT tapes I am trying to convert to digital files—I think I was probably better then. at guitar than I am now. Any tips?
I head the piece you put on here. I can’t find it now . But the one with guitar you bought when you were here and recoded it with your phone . That was so clean and your playing was great Dan ! I’ve never up loaded anything before not yet . I couldn’t give you advise your a great guitar player . If had to give you advise it would be keep doing what ever your doing because that was some really good guitar playing ! Thanks for everything and for showing me Ram Dass I watch a lot of him now . It reminds me what is really important . I’m in the middle of trying to care of one thing that can be dangerous . Aside from that I’ll be all set take care of one thing at time and just practice and write music . And listen to Ram ! Thanks Dan
Hey Rick,
That was just plinky-plonking. I am really a very limited guitar player. I went through an acoustic phase about 20 years ago… I quite like the phrasing in this solo
Great, I’m glad RD speaks to you
Have a good one.
Hi Dan
Yeah I like that too ! Is that yours ? Sounds great
Hey Rick,
Yes, I locked myself in the house for a weekend and forced myself to write a song. This was the guitar solo
How’s things? How are you doing?
Hi Dan yeah I like feel of that of that solo it has an exotic feel to it . So original too ! Things are pretty good now again thanks for asking . I was basically living with a time bomb in my basement lol I have a really old gravity furnace . My house is over100 years old . I found that the only safety had been bypassed for over 30 years . So basically I just got lucky all this time because if the pilot light had gone out or anything else had gone wrong this place would have filled up gass really fast and if me and my wife even woke up ever again the first spark would blow us up and left hole where this house had been ! Yikes . When I found out it still took awhile to find a replacement switch for that old thing so we were terrified the whole time even though it hadn’t had a problem for decades once we knew it was just hard to sleep you know lol . Anyway that all ok again , so back to practice and writing music . How are things going for you so far this year ? Good I hope !