Need Tech Suport to connect a Friedman IR-X Preamp to Power Station-1

Hi guys
I’m new owner of Friedman IR-X and plan to use it fully analog as part of pedal board >> Fryette Power Station >> real 8 ohm cabs. Probably will never use the IRs.

I’ve studied manuals for both IR-X and PS, searched for Youtube videos and tried 4 different connection options. No success so far and mainly get a loud hummmm thru cab. Have changed cables and applied both with and without ground lift too.

Can you please give me idiot proof directions/diagram for correct connections

thanks - peter :slight_smile:

Hi Peter,

You should connect the IR-X output to the FX return of the PS-1 using an instrument cable.

Hope that helps!


Hi David

Thanks very much for your fast response.
There was no issue with PS or my connections.

Turned out the IR-X unit I have is faulty.
I changed tubes but made no diff so there’s some other fault.
I’m returning unit to seller.

Will post this outcome on the forum
I love my Power Station :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks - peter