Need help regarding usage of the fx loop on either of the power stations

Hello to all! I recently ran across the Fryette power stations and decided I’d like to get one for my rig but before I do, I’d like to be sure how to continue using the 4 cable method. Currently, I am using an evh 50 watt el34 head and two evh 2x12 cabinets. I use a Carl Martin “the strip” switcher with the four cable method. I have specific pedals going to the front of my amp and of course modulation type effects into the fx loop. I have searched for documentation regarding this setup and what I find doesn’t seem to address these questions. When using the 4CM, am I to use only the send and return of the ps-2A? Do I not have to use either of the fx loop return and send input/outputs of the evh amp? Would I just take what I normally have in the fx loop send and return jacks and just move those two cables to the ps-2a? I want to make sure of just how to do this before purchasing your product(which I have come to understand is the cats meow!) Anyway, any help or diagrams would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Wishing everyone all the best!

Rick Underwood of Alien Armor

Hi Rick, Welcome to the Fryette Forum! You can actually run your loop effects either way, i.e. in the effects loop of your EVH amp or in the effects loop of the PS-2A. The difference will be that when you run the time based effects in the EVH’s loop, those effects will then be sent through the power section of the EVH amp, and out to the power station along with the entire signal coming from your amp’s speaker output, then attenuated by the PS-2A depending on its control settings. If you patch the time based effects into the PS-2A’s effects loop, then those effects will receive the signal from both the EVH’s preamp and power section’s speaker output which would be similar to adding effects to the amp’s signal in a studio with the effects inserted into the signal “post amp”. The actual sonic differences are noticeable but you might like it both ways depending on your particular preferences. So there is not a right or wrong way to do the 4CM with the PS-2A, it just gives you the option. Hope that helps. Please let me know if I can assist you in any way. Cheers! Gil


Hey thanks for the welcome and the response Gil! Truly appreciated.

In your opinion, which would be the best route to take or should I ask, which would sound better of the two? I’m perfectly fine with the fx loop of the EVH but if the PS fx loop puts the effects in a better position along the path, that’s the one for me. I’m not sure “technically” which one that would be. Thanks again!


Hi Rick, As I said, you can try both ways and decide which you like better. I would probably prefer to put the time based effects in the PS-2’s effects loop. Once you have a chance to experiment with this, please let me know what you think. Gil

Ultimately yes, it will come down to what I’m hearing in the end. Much appreciated and I will most certainly let you know what I find out. Peace amigo…