Marshall 1959hw 100w to PS-100 to 2 x 16 ohm 4x12 cabs

Hi all, Im looking to hook up a 2nd 16 ohm 4x12 cab to the PS-100 and I need an idiots guide to this. Can anyone advise on the settings on the amp the PS-100 amp in and amp out and a recommended splitter or box (would a cab-link do this?) to safely match the impedance? Thanks.

Hi FretDoc welcome to the community :tada:

  • Amp: use 8 Ohms impedance
  • PS-100: Set amplifier Impedance switch to 8 Ohms
  • PS-100: Set speaker impedance switch to 8 Ohms

The missing piece is the Speaker Level Splitter. It is very simple. You just need a box with one input jack and two output jacks wired in parallel. My Google foo has failed me. I cannot find one. Hopefully someone else can!

Or a cable like this… but using speaker cable (not signal cable!) would also work.



Hi Dan, thanks for the welcome and also for the clear advice! Thats brilliant. If anyone can chip in with a link to an appropriate box or splitter in the UK that.wpuld be great.

Thinking about this a bit more. What cabs are you using? Do they just have one input?

This is really overkill for what you want, Radial Engineering Cab-Link Passive Speaker Cabinet Merger - Andertons Music Co. but if you can find one, then it will work.

Or these guys are in Nottingham, they will be able to make you a speaker level Y-splitter,

I might be able to knock something up for you. It will work but won’t look pretty. Also in the UK by the way.



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Thanks again Dan. The cabs are 1960bx one input. I’m in an AC/DC tribute. Everthing is old school and authentic! :laughing: The idea is to run another cab on “Malcolms’” side of the stage and use the Fryette to control the stage volume. I saw the Cab Link and that looks like a solid solution for me with nothing dangling down at risk of accidently getting pulled out. The Radial stuff is great quality. I use designacable for speaker cables. They’re very good!

Love AD/DC :slight_smile: Coming hear Cambridge any time soon?

So, sounds like we have figured it out! I’m going to make a speaker Y-splitter box at some point. There is a need for these basic functions.

Let us know how it goes!


I was in Tesco’s near where my parents live, is this you?

Hi Dan. No, that’s not us. I was looking to DM you but can’t see how to do that on the forum. Thanks again for your help with this.

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