I’ve isolated it to the unit as opposed to anything else that was connected, volume control does not affect it, it comes and goes. The amp otherwise works normally. Tends to happen in clusters, ending in increased hum. I have an mp3 of it but see now way for attachments here.
The amp still has only occasional use, and sits in a rack in my home.
Hi Tyler and welcome to the forum thanks for continuing the discussion over here!
You can add videos, audios and images to a post simply by dragging and dropping them into the text area. Here is the mp3 file you sent to the support email.
I have had amps do this before, it was usually the power tubes. Do you happen to have a spare set you can swap in?
follow-up. Fryette contacted me verifying that these symptoms are indeed likely a bad power tube, as Dan says. They sent me replacements and all is well now. Thanks Dave
Thanks for letting us know - glad you got sorted.
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