Lxii depth and presence trim pots

I just recently purchased new an lxii. I noticed as i was looking it over, that what i believe is a blue capacitor ( im not electronics savy) ,that is beside the channel B depth trim pot that looks bent kind of over the trim pot. Is this normal? If not, and i go to adjust that trim pot, and my screw driver pushes against it, will it cause any damage or is it flexible enough that it will just bend out of the way? I love this amp and it sounds great and im not trying to nit pick, i just dont want to damage anything or have any issue with it down the road.

Hi @S_everett welcome to the forum!

Someone from the Mothership will respond soon!

Do you have a photo of the part you are talking about, is it covering the trim pot completely, so that it is inaccessible?

You are right, through hole components have a limited number of times they can be bent before the legs get weakened. But I have found that small changes, just enough to provide access are usually fine.

I think you intuition is correct, when you insert the screw driver into the trim pot it will move enough. The body of components will be strong enough to withstand pressure from a screw driver pushing it to the side.

But you probably should not mess with those trim pots, they will be factory set and tuned.

It doesn’t appear completely covered. But if i were to try to turn the trim pot, the screwdriver would certainly push against it, though probably not much. Attached is a photo. Its kinda hard to get because its such a small hole.

Hi @S_everett

Thanks for posting, the photo it really helps!

I see what you mean, the photo shows it clearly. I would insert the screwdriver into the trim pot without the tip touching or scratching the blue component (looks like a capacitor). Then I would move it sideways a few millimetres to the left by apply a bit of pressure from the screw driver. Take care not to rotate the trim pot.

I’ll make sure the Steve and team see this so they can add this to the QA check list!

Thanks for your question.

Thank you for your help!