In addition to the last Malcontent Ip question for Joe

In the last Malcontent the Ip-topic got already answered. The pics were already made so i just want to show Joe what is was about.

My brain somehow managed to retrieve this information before it got permanently deleted… so it was you that asked the question about about I_p = Plate current!?

(Yes we can do fancy equation sub/superscripting, see E=mc^2)

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No, it was not me. There was somebody faster but the pics were already done and i had the impression Joe was very interested.

I was instead playing live with my Fryette setup in the Redrocks opening for Sammy … in my dreams…

The sticker on the amp indicates an Ip of 46, but the tube base sticker says 44. That could be either because the tubes were replaced with 44s later, or they started at 46 and got biased down to 44 during QC.

I dont know! I got the amp second hand but there is a label and handwritten everything checked twice by Mr Fryette himself. I don’t know how that affects the sound. I think i have to listen to the last Malcontents again.

Is there a problem with it that you can describe here?

No, you have written that the Ip was 46 and the tubes say 44…
I´m confused now…

When you bias a tube amplifier you are setting it’s operating point, the red dot in the plots below. This the current that flows when no signal is applied. When you start playing the dots moves along the line both to the left and right as the signal rises and falls.

Can you tell which one is biased at 44mA and 46mA? :wink:

This is a long way of saying, it really does not matter. Does the amp sound great? It’s fine. Don’t get too worries about numbers.

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Ähm… uuuuuu i don’t know…
Fortunately the forum is not hiding the name of the pic :sweat_smile:
Yes, i give a shit about numbers as long it sounds good and more importantly i follwo the advice of the amp builder and not the myths in the internets…

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