It’s possible that I’m a crazy person. Im trying to find the button to buy a pair of P50E’s but am unable to locate it.
It’s possible that I’m a crazy person. Im trying to find the button to buy a pair of P50E’s but am unable to locate it.
Hi Sunsick welcome to the community,
Here, https://www.fryette.com/p50e-guitar-speaker
Could this be sold through you local dealer rather than a direct purchase, worth asking, here is the US and international dealer list,
I’m not seeing an “Add to Cart” button either
Is the button missing? Was it there recently?
I don’t know. I just wanted to confirm that the OP isn’t crazy
I see a cart, but no way to add to it (on the linked P50e page).
I’ve looked a few times, but I have never seen an “add to cart” button. I suppose I assumed it would be, since it lists both price and “in stock now”, as well as there being a cart. Maybe they don’t do direct sales?
@Kris thanks for checking.
@Sunsick A lot of Fryette gear is sold to distributors, let’s assume this is the case for this product and it is not one of the ones that can be purchased using the site. I agree this is confusing , we will work on that.
What does your dealer say when you asked them?
Thank you @Kris. Feel like I’m taking crazy pills! lol
And thank you @dan. I haven’t contacted a dealer yet, but I will move in that direction. Appreciate it!
The factory is currently running at capacity fulfilling dealer orders, which leaves little time to manage individual orders coming in via the webstore. That’s why you see very few active BUY NOW buttons.
The new forum will be set up soon to help with that. If you need something expedited, the independent shops will be the most accommodating.
Dealer list here: https://www.fryette.com/u-s-dealers/
I am pretty sure the speakers were always only direct. I have never seen a dealer selling them ?
@stephensawall yeah, I feel like I remember Mr Fryette mentioning on a podcast that you could buy them through the website. I’ve checked quite a few dealers, and none of them seem to carry the speaker. Which is a bummer, cause I just want to give them my money and roooock
You’ll have to contact the factory. I believe they only order bulk shipments when they need them. I tried to buy a couple about ten years ago. It was a couple of years before they had them back in stock. Eminence recommended the Legend V12 as the closest replacement. I highly recommend you check out the Fane F70. I much prefer it to the P50E.
@Sunsick Where are you located?
San Diego. North park to be specific
Thanks for sharing. Me Europe. I have bought a little to much P50 backup speakers. And I’m the minority cause I like them better than the F70…
Well dang! If only I were closer, I could relieve your burden
I’ve only been able to hear the p50e and F70 on videos, so maybe I would like the F70. But from what I’ve gathered, the P50E sounds better to me
Maybe somebody has a PLIR around you so you can listen through the IRs.
Please email your Name, Address and phone number to sales@fryette.com.
Message “want to purchase two P50E”.
They’ll take care of you.