i have a pittbull fifty CL, which i recently acquired second-hand.
after a period of destabilization and adaptation and doubt, (it is really not an easy machine to master and it has such a personality) now it enchants me perfectly!
and i am convinced that it will not tire me so soon.
But i was wondering what the sound difference was with the pittbull ultralead.
i suppose that given the power and the type of lamp the ultra lead provides more headroom and volume, but what about the preamp, and is it identical?
I’ve owned both a 1993 Pitbull Classic Combo and early 2000s Pitbull Ultra-Lead head. I didn’t notice a difference in sound like I did with the Pitbull and Deliverance.
Since I haven’t played a 50/CL, does yours have an EQ and three channels? (Lead/Rhythm/Clean) If so, I think you’re gucci. Right now, I even have my EQ flat. The sound of the Pitbull is so unmatched that it really doesn’t take much if any changes for me to love it.
it’s a 2 channel with equalizer.
and I completely agree with you about the equalizer, the basic sound is so good that the equalizer is just a luxury, I like to have fun with it but I don’t activate it often.
but it has the merit of existing and can be very useful for more radical current sounds (modern metal, djent etc…).
I am passionate about tube amps (high gain type), over the years I have collected (and resold) a large quantity that have been used at home, in concerts and in the studio, and it’s true that this head has a sound and a character all its own, the kind of equipment that you don’t resell!
its only drawback (no one is perfect!):
the size, not very practical to carry around to concerts or rehearsals.
(I use an excellent synergy rack system, syn2 and syn50/50, I will need the fryette modules!)