Hello. This is my first post here.
I ordered the Cyclops from Musician’s Friend back in May. I regularly receive out of stock notifications. Is there any ETA of when this product will be back in stock?
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Hello @RMosack and welcome to the community,
Someone from Fryette that deals with ordering will need to look into this. What do Musician’s Friend say? Normally dealers with have a good idea of where you are in the queue and they will have shipping estimate from Fryette.
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I reached to Musicians Friend after I emailed you. Turns out they canceled my order about a week before with no notice. They checked their notes and said the reason was that the item was out of stock and would not be in stock soon. So I simply checked online and found another place selling them. Ordered the Cyclops that day. Should arrive any day now. Thank you.
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That’s not a great experience! Sorry to hear that. Hope you enjoy your Cyclops in a few days.