Here’s my setup.
I have a '68 Bandmaster which is way, way too loud at its sweet spot for leads. So this weekend I bought a PS-2 and a Cyclops.
I use a Voodoo Labs GCX to jumper the two channels on the Bandmaster and switch between them. I set the volume of one channel at about 2 to 3 for clean sounds. I set the other channel to 6 or higher for lead sounds. Then I use two of the loop sends on the GCX to select which channel I am playing on the amp. In effect, the GCX is a MIDI controllable ABY switch.
As I wait for my new PS-2 to arrive, I got to thinking.
I want to be able to attenuate the lead channel so it isn’t ear splitting. Obviously, that’s doable with the PS-2. But I don’t need or want attenuation on the clean channel when I switch to it.
So my question is, can I set up the PS-2 to bypass the attenuation I’ve set for the lead channel when I am switched to the clean channel?
If that can’t be done, could I add a ZMACS and use it to turn the PS-2 in the ZMACS loop on or off depending on the channel I’m on? I plan on buying a ZMACS later but I’d rather get a Synergy Syn20-IR and some modules first.
Thanks, Steven.