Hello! I have an old Valvulator V1 I’ve had for ages, that’s coming out of retirement and going back on a new mini pedal board. I noticed in the manual it suggests you can send outputs 1 & 2 to separate amps. Are they isolated from each other? Or could I get a ground loop if using 2 amps?
I know there’s a ground lift switch, but I don’t know if that ground lifts one or both outs, and even if both do they still share the same ground as each other (probably going to hum), or if they’re both isolated from each other if lifted.
Not the end of the world if not, as I wasn’t originally planning to run to 2 amps, but if this is an isolator too, that would be bloody useful!
I got my two VHT Valvulator 1’s for my pedalboard, as the first thing my guitar plugged into and the last on my pedalboard.
When they were on my pedalboard, it powered two Seymour Duncan SFX-01 Pickup Boosters, a BBE Stomp Sonic that was between my two effects processors and boy, it improved my sound … 100% clean power to my pedals, with no hum at all.
A few years later, I moved them between an older Digitech 2112 SGS ( in stereo mode) and two Crate Power Blocks .
It gave the 2112 more tube feel, dynamics, reaction and more headroom.
I hope one day that Fayette brings back the Valvulator 1 again !!!