Amp pre cab output and to real cab at the same time possible?

These may be dumb questions but:

Is there a setup where i could use the plir in between amp and real cabinet, but also send an amp di (pre cabinet) output somewhere else at the same time? If so what specific connections would i use? Would it be through the “cab thru” output and then one of the “analog output 1” outputs?

If that’s correct and both of those outputs can be used at the same time, I have another question re the analog outputs- what is the difference or use case between the mic level balanced out and the line ts unbalanced out? In what case would i want to use one or the other?


Hi Nathan, Yes you can, just as you laid it out; amp connected to PL-IR; amp’s speaker output to Amp In and Cab Thru to speaker cab, then Analog Out 1 to whatever you want to send it to, see example setup # 4 on page 10 of the user manual.
The balanced out has an isolated ground and the 1/4" line out does not but the signal levels are the same. Always a good idea to use the balanced connection when possible on all of your gear. Cheers! Gil

thanks very much this is helpful