2/90/2 Standby Crackle

Hello There,

A few months ago I purchased a 2/90/2 brand new from GC and the tubes / fuse on one of the channels failed almost immediately which you took care of by sending me the replacement parts. A few days ago, I noticed that the standby button on channel one now produces a crackle when turning on or off. The crackles starts occurring after the tubes are fully warm (Perhaps after about 5 min of playing) and it doesn’t go away. Just to clarify, the crackle occurs only when I use the standby switch to go on or off, nothing otherwise.

Hi Simon, Very sorry to hear about the issue with your 2/90/2. Most likely it is one of the preamp tubes in that channel that is causing the noise. I recommend that you get a spare 12AX7 and 12AU7 then try swapping those tubes one at a time in the channel that is making the noise. If this does not resolve the problem, we’ll go from there. Please let me know if I can assist you in any way. Cheers! Gil