1 of 3,637 Marshall 1959 HW on 8 Ohm with Marshall 2536 2x12" 140W 8 Ohm

I own a Marshall 1959 HW Super Lead 100 W amp and I use it on 8 Ohm with Marshall 2536 2x12" 140 W, 8 Ohm cab.

I have two questions:
First one is I want to buy a brand new Fryette Power station for playing at bedroom levels at home only; which one do you propose PS-2A or PS-100. I ask this because I read in your manuals that Fryette on 8 Ohm can take input up till 150W, and the thing is that Marshall 1959 HW amp has nominally 100 W but I read on many sites that actual real power of this specific amp can be way higher than 100 W even 180 W!?
Do you propose to me to buy a Marshall 1960 AHW 4x12" 120 W cab and run it on 16 Ohm with Marshall and Fryette Power station on 16 Ohm (Fryette on 16 Ohm can take 200 W input amp power)?

Also what is the proposed (safest) procedure of turning on power on guitar amp and Fryette Power station, which one should I turn o n first, guitar amp or Powerstation? How about turning it off?

Hi @Duransan and welcome to the community :tada:

Great questions.

When Steve was designing the Power Station, he very much had vintage amps in mind. After all, he is a Hiwatt nut.

The four EL34s in your Marshall 1959 HW are rated at 25W continuous power output (100W total), but yes, it is possible to get more out of them by biasing them hot, but I doubt Marshall does this because it will reduce the life of the tubes.

It is also possible that the instantaneous power is more than 100W for several milliseconds (during pick attack, etc.) This is not really a problem because the reactive load in the Power Station only really cares about average power, there is no way the average power will be 150W continuously; maybe you might reach 120W.

If you are in doubt, check with Marshall about how they bias the amp.

If I were you, I’d consider the PS-2A, it is the cheapest option and has the same reactive load as the PS-100. If you bought the PS-100, you would be paying for extra features you will not use.

I don’t follow this question?

You can turn on in any order, but I do this:

  1. Power Station Standby
  2. Amp Standby
  3. Wait at least 1 min.
  4. Turn on Power Station
  5. Turn on Amp

Thank you very much for great explanation :slightly_smiling_face: